Break Free from Your Limiting Beliefs & Reclaim Your Worthiness

I help emotionally burnt-out women (through tried-and-tested techniques) go from having a mindset of lack to one filled with abundance.

Work -life Balance Management . Professional Development . Emotional Management .

Work -life Balance Management . Professional Development . Emotional Management .

Hi! I’m Pamela Nicole Dukes.

I’m the CEO of a Personal Development Firm in the business of helping burnt-out women who normally prepare for the worst by positioning their mindsets and abilities. I help them identify their limiting beliefs and reimagine their worthiness.

As an Emotional Wellness Life Coach, I specialize in empowering women to unlock the potential that has been held captive by past emotional injuries by teaching them the necessary techniques to improve their mindset for the better.

In so doing, I help my client unlearn unhealthy feelings about negative thought patterns that have kept them stuck in survival mode, so they’re in a position to succeed.

After going through a series of traumatic experiences myself (physical, sexual, and domestic abuse, teenage pregnancy, and so much more), I have decided to make it my mission to help individuals (especially women) discover, attain, and maintain emotional wellness.

After embracing my own story, and coming to terms with it, I realize that my life’s purpose is to help more people feel a sense of comfort that they don’t have to go through life (and their struggles) alone.

What exactly is Emotional Wellness Life Coaching?

This coaching strategy aims to give you the guidance and resources required so you can easily move toward the direction of success.

By preparing for the worst, we unconsciously set ourselves up to receive that. When we break these patterns, we are able to thrive beyond our previous limitations.

My techniques and coaching style help women get closer to living the life they imagined for themselves, without giving up the things that matter the most to them.

What You Can Expect When We Work Together

In my 20 years of personal and professional experience within the emotional wellness industry, I believe that people are all serial survivors.

No matter how your journey looks, you have to take a stand to not hold yourself captive by your past emotional injuries.

If you are struggling with striking the perfect balance between your work and your life, your stress levels are through the roof, and you have a tough time building healthier relationships with yourself and others, I can:

  • Help you identify your goals and craft a plan for improving your well-being and overall health

  • Help you find resources and give you guidance to make the necessary life changes necessary to support your physical and mental health

  • Offer support and tools that will help you overcome challenges that impede your progress towards your next level of success—however, you define it to be.

My Services


I coach individuals (mostly women) to break free from their limiting beliefs so they can take back their power and live their dream lives.


I specialize in talking about having a work/life balance in the workplace, professional development, emotional management, and how to improve one’s well-being.

Are your limiting beliefs holding you back?

What My Clients Are Saying

Mary Thomas, Director, Ada S. McKinley
Emergency Foster Care RE

Her wellness coaching techniques and methods has helped us create a culture of excellence that has become part of our youth’s lives and professional staff development for the employees.

Mary Whiting, Associate Director of Youth Development Counseling & Youth Development
Services (CYDS), UCAN

Ms. Dukes’ energy was amazing as she engaged them ensuring she rec’d participation from each of them. Ms. Dukes was overall impressive.

Clients I’ve Worked With